Are You Ready to Start Your Cake Business?

I know what it is like to have a business that you are passionate about, to work each day for yourself and I know just how rewarding that is. I also know how many cake decorators I have seen try and fail, not because they didn’t have the creative eye, or finely honed decorating skills

Your friends and family may be saying to you, “Wow, you make awesome cakes! You should start a business!” I know, its how I started! And I have also seen students come through my classes desperate to start a business that will give them more flexibility in their lives, a chance to work at home and a creative outlet.

If you want to start a successful cake business that actually pays the bills, you are going to have to use that annoying left side of your brain. Now I know we have heard the classic scenario of the struggling artist and as creative people we love living in the right side of our brain but that is just not going to pay the bills. And the business that you love can soon become a job that you are working at for a few dollars an hour.

The cake decorating industry has gone through some huge changes and massive growth in the past 10 years.

Regulations have become stricter and competition has become fierce and it has become increasingly more and more difficult for home based businesses to meet the requirements and actually make profit.

The course consists of 8 video modules, in your own private membership website, so we can get right into the nitty gritty.

In addition you will receive an additional 12 modules in your workbook. Packed with information to make sure you are on the path to success.

That is 22 modules of information, and with each chapter you receive workbook questions to help you work through the material. Once you have worked through the material, your answers will form the basis for both your business AND marketing plans.

You will also receive a Business and Marketing forms pack with over 15 customizable forms for you to use in your own business, covering everything from marketing newsletters to client contact sheets.

And a vendor guide to give you all the best places to get your websites, logos, accounting software, stationery and more

Not only will you be learning from me and my exposure and observations to some of the best decorators in Australia but also to your peer group.

The course has been designed so you can work through the modules at your own pace and come and refer back at anytime.

  • Video 1: The Successful Business Owner
    Let’s figure out together, what exactly a business is and what it takes to run one. It sounds all very simple but this is where I see most businesses go wrong.With your workbook supplied in the course, we will figure out just what your objectives are and set you on the right course to achieve them.
  • Video 2: Guiding Questions Just how do you stay on track in your business and make the right decisions, so that your profit stays where you want it. In your pocket!
  • Video 3: Business Basics- Research and Regulations Now you know what you want, how on earth do you wade through all information out there and figure out just how to make it happen! And I am not talking about baking! I want to give you the low down on all the business requirements you need.
  • Video 4: Business Basics – Insurance, Legal and Accounting Yep, you gotta do it and know about it!
  • Video 5: Marketing and Targeting Targeting the clients that you want to deal with. Lets face it, you can’t please everyone all of time. (or so my mother told me!) But you can target just the clients that you want to do business with, so you get to make more of the cakes and the profit that you want.
  • Video 6: Social Media How do you leverage this tool that allows you to target thousands of potential customers in your local area……for FREE!
  • Video 7: Pricing and Client Management Now this is the biggie. If I get asked about anything, it is this. Pricing. Lets figure it out for once and for all. And just how do you explain why your cakes are worth just a little more than the ones on the shelves at the supermarket.
  • Video 8: Creating a business and a life that you LOVE! In this final module we celebrate our successes and talk about how to keep the momentum going.

In addition to the 8 video modules, comprehensive ebook and resource guide you will receive

A Business and Marketing forms pack with over 15 customizable forms for you to use in your own business, covering everything from marketing newsletters to client contact sheets.

A Vendor guide to give you all the best places to get your websites, logos, accounting software, printables and more

Not only that we have interviewed some experts to help you even more…..Want to know about Copyright Law? We have that covered. PR? Yep, we interview a PR specialist. Law of Attraction? Yep thats in there too!

Get ready to take your business to the next level! Sign up today!