The Big Slice 24th July

The Big Slice 24th July
Good Morning Cakers!
Its been another huge week this week at LCDO HQ where we busy all week filming new tutorials for you! I can’t wait to show them to you
Now to what’s trending this week……
This week I wrote an article for the Australian Cake Decorating Network magazine on a hotly discussed topic…Pricing!!!
I have it all figured out for you!
Check it out HERE
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Have you ever wondered how cake decorators make those perfect pleats on the sides of their cakes? Well wonder no more. Take a look at this fabulous tutorial from Way Beyond Cakes by Mayen. For the instructions you will need to log on to her Facebook page HERE
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Yes, we found THE best article for you on how to get around the pesky issues we all face when baking.
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Whilst filming this week I thought I would shoot a quick hackers iPhone video to show you how I got this effect with a limited set up as i see this question being asked all the time
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Since we are on the subject of cake photography, our Photograph Your Cake course is on sale this week down from $97 to just $37!
Grab it whilst you can HERE
And if you want to make this Jemima Puddle Duck cake….its Margie’s new tutorial live on 1st August in our members area. Not a member JOIN HERE
5. Glitter Cake Board

Looking for an exciting new way to decorate your cake board? This is a fantastic technique.

All you need to do is: brush the board with edible glue and then sprinkle on the edible glitter. Shake off excess.

We saw this on Cake Decorating Tutorials.

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That’s all from me this week! Back to behind the camera for an upcoming super awesome tutorial :)

Happy Caking!

Louise xx