So why would I buy a Learn Cake Decorating Online membership?

We sell some of our tutorials individually and that suits some people. But others, well they want the whole shebang. When you become a member of Learn Cake Decorating Online you can access with your members login our private membership website.

Here you will find ALL of our tutorials, many of which are not available to purchase individually. You will also be the first to have access to any new tutorials that we release. Our members always have access to our tutorials before we release them for individual sale. We release two new tutorials every month and members receive access to these on the 1st and the 15th of the month each month.

You also get downloadable ebooks with each module and you have the ability to ask questions underneath the tutorials. You will also be invited to our Private Facebook group where we have a tight knit group of members who are so helpful and encouraging and always there to answer your questions and connect with other members.

Membership is only $19.95 a month or $179 for the year, so it is amazing value. Currently this gives you access to over 250 hours of video tuition with 9 different teachers.

Can I download the tutorials?

Currently we do not allow the tutorials to be downloaded from our membership website. In order for us to be able to provide this massive quantity of videos and tutorials that we do at this price we can only do this if they are watched online. However we do sell selected tutorials individually. We have priced them accordingly as you can then watch the tutorials any time on your computer. All of the ebooks are downloadable from the membership site though so you have something to reference back to.

Can I cancel my membership at anytime?

Yes, you can do this in your paypal account or if you would like assistance please email us at [email protected]

Does my membership renew automatically?

Yes the membership renews on the same day each month or each year from the day you purchased it until you cancel. Please note 3 days is required prior to any payment being processed for a cancellation to take place in accordance with Paypals recurring payments and billing agreement. You can read the details of this here.

What is the difference between the free tutorials you have and the paid tutorials?

Every now and then we release a short free tutorial on our website and on YouTube. These tutorials are usually between 3-10 minutes long and whilst always informative are not designed to replace the longer more intensive paid tutorials. The paid tutorials are designed to be more like taking a class with the teacher.

I have purchased one of your individual tutorials and downloaded it. I want to share it with my friends. Can I upload it to YouTube or burn it to a disc to hand around to my friends?

No. This would be a breach of copyright. The tutorials that are available for download are for your personal viewing only. Any copyright breaches that come to our attention will be addressed in accordance with the law.

Does a Learn Cake Decorating Online Membership give me access to all your books and recipes too?

You will find a corresponding ebook for every full length tutorial in the membership website and there are quite a few recipes and a short recipe book  too. However periodically we do release books in addition to the membership website. These are not included in the price of the membership.

What about your other courses, Start Your Cake Business and Photograph Your Cake?

These are separate courses and can be purchased on our website. They have their own separate  websites which require a separate login. Both of these courses are packed full of information and resources and so are products on their own.

 Can you help me personally with my cake decorating or pricing my cakes?

Due to the volume of enquiries that we receive we cannot personally assist everyone. We have set up our membership site, courses and programs with Facebook groups and forums so people can get the help and advice they need. Our teachers do teach around the world so you can also get in touch with them to see if they have a class coming to a location near you.

How do I cancel my membership?

Cancelling a subscription cancels all future scheduled payments of that subscription. A subscription can be cancelled up until three business days before the next scheduled payment.

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile near the top of the page.
  3. Click My money.
  4. Click Update beside ‘My pre-approved payments.’
  5. Click the name of the subscription you wish to cancel.
  6. Click Cancel.

If you don’t have a PayPal account, you should contact [email protected] directly to cancel the agreement.

Please note that after cancelling a payment, subscription or automatic billing agreement, you are still required to pay Learn Cake Decorating Online for the goods or services you have received up until the cancellation is processed as per the terms with Paypal See here for more information https://www.paypal.com/au/webapps/mpp/ua/recurringpymts-full

I am having trouble logging into the membership website? Can you help?

More often than not this is a caching issue. There are instructions for clearing your cache here

If you are still having issues, you can try changing your password. If that does not work, please email us at [email protected]

I have more questions. How can I get in touch with you?

The best way is to email us at [email protected] Please allow 24-48 hours for a response. We do only have support Monday to Friday Australian Eastern Standard time. If your query is urgent you can send us a private message on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/learncakedecoratingonline