How to get all the forms you need for your cake business

How to get all the forms you need for your cake business

When  you start a business, it can take just so long to get all your ducks in a row. I know for me this part of my business took so much trial and error and really alot of refining.

I found one of the best ways to cut down the ever increasing time I would spend on admin was to give my customers the information they needed upfront not all clients can be an ideal client; however, being clear with your clients about what you offer, your terms and ordering process will ensure a smoother road for both of you. It does happen that a client will come to us and they just happen to be an overly anxious person. Our interaction with them may leave us muttering under our breath about bridezillas and what a nightmare she is going to be; however, often these clients can be turned around.
Keep in mind, that someone who has absolutely no idea about how much work goes into a cake and no concept of cost of goods may be genuinely surprised at how much cake may cost. This is not a reflection on how they feel about you or that they are a cheapskate. It may simply be that they didn’t know. I toyed for a long time about whether or not to put prices on my website. I was worried about prices turning potential clients away. I know that once I meet with a client, price becomes a secondary concern, as I know I can engage with them. Once they like you, they want to buy from you!
I was however getting bogged down with price enquiries that would never lead anywhere. The emails that would come in asking me how much for a 3 tier wedding cake (no details) and then, when I would ask for more information, I would never hear from again. Worse still were the emails that were cc’ed to 3 different decorators at once, asking for prices!

My solution was to put together 3 documents that were available for download on my website. And for a limited time I am giving them away to you for FREE!
Style and Pricing guide – a general guide to the style of cakes I do and also a general pricing guide and some information about what impacts price

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FAQs and Flavors – this comprises of my terms and conditions also, which is accepted at time of ordering

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Cake Serving Chart – this also rid you of the emails asking what size cake they will need to feed xx guests at their wedding

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At the moment I am offering you the chance to get all of these documents for FREE!!!! You are welcome to use these as a base to create your own.

I am also throwing in sample client contracts!

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Crazy Right?
I found that having these documents sorted greatly cut down the number of time wasting emails (which cut down my cost of sale), and it really allowed me to be very clear about how I ran my business and what I offered. As well as having these on my website, each email that would come into my inbox would be met with an immediate auto responder that would direct them to these downloadable documents having two key benefits.
Firstly, they have all the information they need immediately, giving them a chance to compare with other decorators if this is what they are doing, without me having to have spent any time with them at all. Secondly, it alleviated me from having to be in my email several times a day because I was worried that if people did not get an immediate response they would go elsewhere. People in this day and age expect a response to their email the same day, if not within a few hours. In a business without employees to do this task for you, it can become too time consuming and overwhelming. An auto responder allows you to provide your clients with all the information that they need and a short message giving them an expected time frame in which you will get back to them with more information. If you have an auto responder with enough information you can comfortably check your email every 24-48 hours with no repercussions.

After all, we know it takes a good block of time to make a cake and extra admin eats into those precious cake decorating or chillaxing hours!

To Download our Business and Marketing Forms Pack CLICK HERE