Handi Mulyana

Handi Mulyana

Handi was born to decorate cakes. At 10 years old he began working in Ten Keng Cu Bakery – the family cake shop in Indonesia. Soon after migrating to Sydney in 1994, he established his own business – Handi’s Cakes. He has over 20 years experience in making, decorating and sculpturing cakes for all occasions.

Handi has gained a reputation as an exceptional cake artist. Handi personally designs, decorates and sculptures all his cakes. Handi’s Cakes are nationally known and respected for their superior quality and astounding value.

Handi has many years experience in teaching students the skill of decorating cakes and the art of sugar-craft. Handi is not only a gifted cake decorator, he is a natural teacher. His friendly charisma and passion for decorating combine to make him an outstanding teacher. Handi teaches all his workshops, ensuring students receive the opportunity of working directly with him.

Since 2008, Handi has made numerous television appearances on programs including: Fresh; Sydney Weekender; The Disney Channel; and the Morning Show. Handi has also recently appeared on Australian MasterChef. He proved so popular in the First Series, he was invited back as the Cake Decorating Consultant in MasterChef’s Second Series.


1988-1994Tan Keng Cu Bakery Indonesia
1995-1996Diploma in Hospitality – William Blue, Sydney
1998-1999Cake Decorating courses through NSW Cake Decorating Guild
2000-2002Diploma in Cake Making and Decorating, NSW TAFE
2003-2005The Cake Store, London
2005-2010Planet Cake Sydney – Course Director
19991st Prize in the annual Bobby Goldsmith Foundation ‘Boys Own Bake-Off’
20021st Prize in the annual Bobby Goldsmith Foundation ‘Boys Own Bake-Off’
20082nd Prize in the annual Bobby Goldsmith Foundation ‘Boys Own Bake-Off’
Teaching Director, Planet Cake
20091st Prize. Best Decorated Cake. Sydney Easter Show
2010Head of Teaching School, Handi’s Cakes

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