Verusca Walker

Verusca Walker

Verusca Walker is a Brazilian born artist who has been living in Australia for the past 15 years. With a background in Fine Art and Bakery, Verusca loves to mix mediums to create cakes that defy gravity. She is well known for her colourful and sparkly cakes and for 3D cakes that appear very life-like.

Her work as been featured in numerous magazines and websites. Verusca also teaches online and has free tutorials on Youtube.

With 10 year career and over 46.000 followers on Facebook, Verusca Walker always make sure to connect with her followers and help with tips, tricks and feedback.

Her passion for cake art and her fun personality makes her classes I must have experience. Verusca Walker travels to the best Schools all over the world teaching the art of cake decorating.

“I decided to mix both of the industries and make edible art.”
Verusca Walker

Verusca Walker's classes

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